Monday, August 25, 2008

Soccer and ......... Salsa?

I am waiting on a call from Colorado to see if i will get hired on the mountain for ski/snowboard season since my GPA wasn't high enough to apply to anyones education program. However while the Colorado call is pending I'm still contemplating my other options and carrying on with everyday edwardsville life. The weather was gorgeous for the first day back to school and after soaking up some sun with Nami and little Nee and having a few drinks we went to first day of indoor soccer. Some new Jacksonville players turned up the competition and I thought Nami was going to kill one of them but their was about 20-25 players and a good turnout. It was super rough and competitive since nobody wanted to sit out for 15 min when you lose. I actually was one of the few that didn't get hurt till the very end when the huge german dude kicked my toes as hard as he could. Although they are sore and swollen I don't think their broke. It was a ton of fun though and since I have to work wednesday I'm glad I made it tonight. Then to celebrate and because I'm getting skinny me and namster went to Applebees at like 1130 and ate half price boneless wings and 2 dollar long islands. This was the perfect way to top off the night. Also I found out that the campus fitness center has couples salsa dancing and since learning to dance something of this sort is on my ten year goals, I'm looking into it. All I have to do is find a partner , which is in the process.

Two movies for this entry will be "Felon" which is new and similar to "In Hell." It is a good action prison movie. Also, one I've seen before but is decent would be Ordinary Decent Criminal if you like Kevin Spacey. This is a older movie so you might have seen it. Or for you chicks "Wicker Park" also older or "What happens in Vegas" which comes out tommorow. I work in the morning so peace out.

1 comment:

Nicholas said...

The German Guy was huge? He probably thought you were huge. And you are German as well.... You should have just kicked him....