Monday, September 1, 2008

Wedding, Lake, Soccer, Golf, and Tennis

It has been a few days since I have sputtered out my daily activities onto the binary pages shown here. So here goes a little catch up. Saturday my cousin Clare got married and did all the wedding things which I guess was highlighted by free beer, especially the Sierra Nevada. Probably the worst part was waking up Saturday with a sunburnt head. For those of you I don't get to see,Jason did me the privelige of Shaving my head last week. Thus bringing out one of my fav0rite qualities "the pug head. If you get the chance check out the wrinkles on my head sometime they are wicked dude. Then Sunday was fun in the sun with drinks and appetizers while taking lessons and juggling with Carlos and michael on the boat dock. Then at night we went to T-Town and played some street soccer on the tennis courts. This went well except my borrowed shoes were to small. Then today was golfing with my mother who beat my which was pretty sad. I think I lost about a dozen golf balls. Now its back to the lake and then Tennis in TTown with Willie Vannillie "my cousin" and then maybe back to Edwardsville. This week I find out the job situation hopefully so we will see if i'm "Westward Bound." Oh yeah and I found a Salsa partner but she is like a foot and a half smaller than me so I don't know if it will work out.

Two decent and halfway funny movies are "What happens in Vegas" and "Baby Momma."

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