Thursday, August 7, 2008

Entering the World of Blogging

Being the second child I think I"m one of the last to get a blog spot so following is a brief explanation of how it finally came about. I was so inspired by reading my brothers blog site nsquaredwienerscubed that I decided I would finally succumb to start a blog site. However, I do not have any false illusions of my blogs having near the grandeur of my brothers. I might blame this on leading a rather simple life in southern Illinois. Therefore I mean not to bore but rather too administer simple self-therapy too a single guy who needs to express his thoughts to someone other than his beagle michelob and python labatt. Its not that they are bad listeners but the language barrier does take effect on me not to mention the love, hate relationship between my dog and I. So for you few brave or dumb enough to use your precious free time reading this I hope to shed a small light on what goes on in my world and slightly sporadic mind.

I wanted to kick off my first blog right so here I am drinking a fat tire cerveza and eating a hersheys bar "one of my new vices." I would like to start off by saying I thoroughly enjoyed my college career and owe the opportunity and the success all to my great parents Frank and Cathy. So I figure what better way to start off post graduation and my first blog than with my ten year plan. The history behind my ten year plan being that in a moment of intense energy and desperation that I'm sure is common for some, but like a solar eclipse for me. I chose not to strap on the running shoes and take off across town in the middle of the night but to do something more productive and write down all the things I would like to accomplish in the next 10 years. Someone told me just writing down your goals greatly increases the odds of them happening and since I find my goals to include some cool shit that I would really like to see happen I wrote them down and since a blog site is a little more permanent than a piece of paper I will write a portion of them here in no particular order.

1. Go Snorkeling in Australia and New Zealand

2. Go to Africa World Cup 2010 or Brasil if they move it

3. Find the perfect girl and get her to like me "the tough part"

4. Start my own business

5. Go to a pub in Ireland and Scotland and chug a pint

6. Bike from Illinois to Colorado/California

7. Learn to speak another language

8. Keep a journal on every trip

9. Ask a complet stranger to dance

10. Learn to swing dance

11. Beat my younger brother in tennis

12. Break dance in foreign country in club or town square.

13. Learn how to break dance

14. Run a mile on the great wall of China

15. Give a soccer ball to a less fortunate child

16. Coach a soccer team

17. Play tennis on a grass court

18. Run 26 miles

19. Drink wine and eat cheese in Italia

20. Drink a $100 dollar bottle of wine

So as there are many more things I want to do, I will be happy to accomplish the majority of these and will consider it a sucessful and fulfilling ten years after doing so. Since it is late and I am thoroughly worn out from a long wonderful day in St. Louis with my mother and our new foreign exchange student Carlos and not to mention when the beer is gone its time to move on. "enough said I'm going to bed"

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