Been working alot at Ramada which is fun enough for the meantime. I think my baby bro michael will start working thier this week hopefully. Going to grad school which is okay. Excitement is on the horizon though as I am going to Normandy to visit Marie for 12 days 2 traveling. I'm flying to Paris then either she will pick me up or I will figure out how to take the train. Then after a few days at her school in Nantes we will head back to her parents place in the country for some rest and relaxation. Oh yeah I will need it because I will have knee surgery September 11th which will be no fun at all.

I am in the beginning stages of planning a biking trip from Effingham IL to Eagle Colorado to see my brother. I read the trip journals of two guys who did longer trips but passed through the route I would like to take across Missouri and Kansas and it seems doable. This might be next summer after I get back from Europe at the earliest but we will see since we plan to travel quite a bit in Europe too. I think Marie will be coming with me and I'm sure whenever the trip takes place it will be interesting because I don't ride bike that much. Actually I don't even have a road bike but hey thats just details right. I figure the trip will take around 20 days and is hopefully cheaper than flying. I am yet to get used to this living at home thing and living according to someone elses schedule. Its quite draining and I think I actually get less done after the stress and being tired but hey its saving some money.

By the way if you haven't been paying attention the World Cup is less than a year away which is crazy exciting. Soccer is one of my passions and the world cup is the pinnacle of soccer tournaments! so go USA I'll be representing in Europe since its cheaper than South Africa. Oh and the random pics are from California on family vacation and thats right a store named HEY JUDE!!! shot out to the Akumal Familia! Peace!!!