So after getting hassled around the casa for a week about work I finally worked a 13 hour shift at Ramada Convention Center. I just got done in fact, and I forgot how awesome it was to work thier and it brought back alot of good memories. I worked hard kicked ass and had a good time doing it. I worked with my younger hermano's friend Jordan which was pretty awesome. I am now an owner of a brand new 2009 Toyota Corolla which I absolutely love. It get insane gas mileage and drives so smooth and quiet. Its kind of surreal I never thought I would own a new cars so it is way cool dude. Muchos gracias tu mi padre por helping me out!!! Oh and cudos to my brother he has been playing some kick ass soccer! keep it up baby bro!!! My knee surgery is coming up soon so thats going to be a major brummer bummer but what can you do at least when I heal I can be ready to dominate indoor soccer this winter! I miss my girlfriend shes absolutely incredible and I can't wait to see her again even though it won't be soon but hey good things come to those who wait right! Its two in the morning and I'm Cash Johnsoned so peace, love, and prosperity!!! Buenos Noches