While I still have many bad habits, my mom or anyone who barely knows me could attest to this. I have been doing some things since my midlife crisis at 24 years of age. Now some might say it is strange to have a midlife crisis at 24, but for those of you who know me, you know I've never been normal or behaved in the norm. No I am an individual for better or for worse, "I like to think for better." However I will share with you some of my newer behaviors. I have since taken up drawing not realizing the true potential that was there since I haven't really drawn since the art class I took 4 years ago at SIUE. Hopefully I can scan some of these and put them on here. Also I work out like a maniac mostly in the weight room but I also play soccer and tennis multiple times a week and have recently started running again. I cannot sleep at night because I don't want to waste one second of my life. Although this usually backfires when I have to play catchup and I don't think you live as long if you don't get proper sleep or you are stressed. However I've slept alot in my life so I think I'll be okay. I love pumpkin beer, just had the blue moon seasonal pumpkin ale that came out its amazing also good is the schlafys pumpkin ale. I'm close to starting substitute teaching so I'll keep that posted I am really pumped about this as it may be as close as I come to being a teacher and I love kids. I would like to give a special thanks to my dearest friend caitlyn for keeping me on track with things and making sure I clean out my truck all the time. Also I am super pumped for the "urbanathalon in chi town city I will be spending time with my sis and my greatest friend ever mr. chris sheley. Also I have been going to the human society alot because I miss having a dog and I feel bad for the ones there. Its a little way to give back I guess to go there and take them out its rewarding and super fun if you've never done it. Last time I played with a beagle named missy who was super cute and a gray something or other that I said looked like a wild dog and she informed my that the correct word was dingo. So dingo and missy I hope you get adopted. As for me I am going to get some sleep or watch a movie. I'm finally learning that lifes to short not to live for every second and I'm glad my midlife crisis came at 24 maybe i'll have another one who knows!